

标题:The restricted goods

According to China Customs, "List of items prohibited for export", IATA "Dangerous Goods Guide", relevant international organizations and Chinese government regulations, International Logistics Co., Ltd. Shanghai Yida not accept the following items (including but not limited to) the carrier:
Prohibition of entry items:
Arms, imitation arms, ammunition and explosives;
Counterfeit currencies and counterfeit negotiable securities;
National currency cash and marketable securities, bearer negotiable instruments;
China's political, economic, cultural, moral harmful publications, films, photographs, records, films, tapes, video tapes, laser discs, computer storage media and other items;
Variety of potent poison;
Opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana and other addictive narcotics, psychotropic substances;
With dangerous bacteria, insects and other pests of animals, plants and their products;
Impede human and animal health from infected areas could spread disease and other food, medicines or other items;
Radio transmitter and communication security machines;
Tobacco, alcohol (except in reasonable quantities for personal use);
Animals, endangered and rare plants (including samples), their seeds and breeding materials;
Customs prohibit, restrict entry of other goods.
Stop items:
Prohibited from entering all of the above items;
Flammable, explosive, corrosive, radioactive, toxic materials;
Concerning the country's secret manuscripts, printed matter, films, photographs, records, films, tapes, video tapes, laser discs, computer storage media and other items;
Precious relics and other relics;
Precious minerals, gold, silver and other precious metals and their products;
Precious Chinese herbal medicines;
Human remains;
All animal offal or manufactures;
Fake brand-name products and pirated CDs / publications, and other illegal items;
Customs prohibit, restrict exit of other items.

If you are going to allow the delivery of the items out of the country have any questions, please contact contact our customer service staff.

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